Tuesday, June 26, 2012


KALE Chips!

We got a beautiful bunch of Kale in our CSA this past week. There are 3 ways I absolutely love to each Kale. The first is in an autumn vegetable soup, the second is sauteed with garlic and pepper with some almonds added, and the last (but not least) is to make it into chips.

It's super easy and WAY healthier for ya than those pringles taking up space in the local giant eagle.

1) rip off the leaves from the Kale stalks
2) wash em. yay salad spinner!
3) mix em with 1 tablespoon olive oil, salt, pepper and your favorite spice. I love Penzey's Sunny Paris or Fox Point (Warning: some spice mixes already have salt in them so watch out! Don't add too much extra salt or you will be chugging water along with your chips.)

You could spread the kale on a baking sheet and bake it at about 200 for an hour or so. I have not had great luck with this method. Burned kale chips are no bueno. Neither are soggy chips. Instead, I prefer to use our handy dandy dehydrator. Spread in the dehydrator, turn on to 145, walk away for 4-5 hours. When you come back there will be magical chips for you to savor. Nom nom nom.

1 comment:

  1. nom nom nom for sure!! and not only are they delicious, they are a huge source of dietary calcium! and considering there is just about to be a plethora of data on the evils of supplemental calcium (vs dietary, meaning those pills or chewy things), this is a great, tasty way to get some!
