Anyway, after the Hammy WOD on Sunday I worked from 5p-1am at my "day job" then woke up Monday morning and headed over to the Box in Beachwood. Danimal was rounding and planned to meet me there.

For Time
1 Mile Run
100 Pullups
200 pushups
300 air squats
1 Mile Run
Now, I hadn't been feeling all that great since the night before but wanted to still do this awesome WOD. Just shortly after 9, the first group was off on the first mile run. I did fine for this first part, but a few round of pullups/pushups/squats in, began to feel really sick to the point where I could barely squat without feeling pretty intense abdominal pain. I stopped after doing the equivalent of "mini-murph": the run plus 50pullups/100pushups/150 squats I called it a day. Muscle aches are one thing but I felt like pushing myself through that could be dangerous. I hate backing off and felt pretty lame, but it was probably the right decision.
Danimal got there in time for the next wave and I cheered him and the rest of the crew on.
Actually, the WOD made me nostalgic for our old box. I remember doing Murph at CF Palo Alto last memorial day. One of our members was struggling with completing the reps. The whole box was shouting his name as he finished each pullup, each pushup. Routing for him to make it through. When he started off on the second mile, we all followed behind him. We didn't want him to have to run that mile alone. The WOD itself was special, but that mile was even more so. It signified how much support each and everyone of us at CFPA have for each other. It signified that crossfit is so much more than a gym that people schedule into their appointment books between work and dinner. It signified that we are a community and that we are there for each other.
I love my crossfit weekends :)
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