Saturday, May 19, 2012

...Caveman Garden (Jardin du Grog)

First, there has been an appalling lack of posting by myself over the past few months. Apologies. Blogging time was in short supply between working full time, yoga teacher training, and life in general. But I'm back and aim to post much more regularly.

Today Danimal and I planted a garden outback. Now D has been working on the 10 x 20 plot of land adjacent to our garage for months now, digging up rocks and dirt and creating beds. A veritable jungle of plants had taken residence on the radiator in our dining room a few months back.

 (Displacing one very upset black kitty).

During his first full weekend off in about 6 weeks, he rented a roto-till from the Handy Rents up the street and churned the clay/dirt/compost up. He had the biggest grin on his face throughout! Meanwhile, I planted some shrubs around the deck. Tilling complete, he rolled the machine back up the street. Farmer Dan at large in Cleveland.

When he returned, and after a brief siesta by both of us from the hot Cleveland sun, we plotted out our Jardin. Peppers, Cucumbers, zucchini, huevos plantes. We put some crushed eggshells under the tomatoes before putting them in the soil so that they would have extra calcium to grow nice and strong. Serious fun. I hadn't played in the dirt like this in years!

Stay tuned to see if all our hard work pays off!

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